Tainted love

I said in my last post that I was working on more Nurgle models. These are the Tainted, a Chaos  Space Marine warband described in Imperial Armour Vol. 7. They were one of the warbands that took part in the siege of Vraks.I really like the idea of having an army made...

Blight Drone of Nurgle

Some of you may have seen my Death Guard army from a few years ago. Well, while reorganising my study in order to accommodate some books I moved out of my old office I discovered this Blight Drone at the back of a shelf. The model was painted quite some time ago but...


I’m gradually getting through my Dark Vengeance models. Here is my version of Azrael converted from Master Balthazar from the set. This was a very simple head swap as Balthazar has the same equipment as Azrael. I chose the bare head from the Devastator box as it...

The host of Mordor

For a little space you may triumph on the field, for a day. But against the Power that now arises there is no victory. [...] The West has failed. It is time for all to depart who would not be slaves. Recently I have been revisiting my Mordor collection, once more...