Rodents of Unusual Size

I have finished my Skaven Warlord from the Island of Blood boxed set. This is such a great character model and was a real joy to paint up. I’ve always loved Skaven (they were my first fantasy army) but don’t fancy having to paint up the hundreds of models...

Skaven warlord wip

Just a quick up date to show off the Skaven warlord model I am currently working on. The model is taken from the Island of Blood set. I’ve opted for a classic Skaven colour scheme of red armour and black fur. More details on the painting process once he’s...

Deathwing assault

I’ve finished Squad Barachiel from Dark Vengeance. For more information on the painting process see this post.

Warriors of Chaos for sale

Over time most of us will accumulate far more models than we will ever get around to painting. We often buy loads of minis in the first fit of excitement at the prospect of a new army and, when enthusiasm for the project runs out, the models sit in a box gathering...

Ravenwing biker

I have finished the first model of my Ravenwing squad. As with my Deathwing terminators, I took special care with the Ravenwing to make sure that they are consistent with the rest of the army. Details such as the gold, eye lenses, scroll work and purity seals are...