Pre-Heresy Death Guard conversion

This model was created for an online hobby challenge on Twitter called #BitsBoxChallenge organised by Andy Tunley (@atunley). The challenge, as its name suggests, was to create a model using only those parts found in your bits box. My idea was to create my version of...

Brother Librarian Turmiel

Another Dark Vengeance miniature is finished. I am really enjoying painting this set, the models are all fantastic. My one criticism of Turmiel is that he is perhaps a little too detailed. This made painting the model a bit of a challenge as there are a lot of...

Sergeant Raphael

I’ve finally put the finishing touches to Sergeant Raphael from Dark Vengeance. Here he is in all his glory. For more insight into the painting process check out my earlier work-in-progress post. All the best, Andy.

Deathwing Terminators

Happy New Year everyone! December was a fairly slow month for me hobby-wise with Christmas, New Year and family visits occupying much of my time. However, I am now getting back into the swing of things and have completed my first two Deathwing terminators from Dark...

Dark Vengeance – Raphael wip

Just a quick update to show my progress on the Dark Vengeance set. When I showed these photos on Twitter I got an overwhelming response so I thought it was worth posting them here with a slightly more detailed write up. Painting Dark Angels A lot of people have asked...