Hobby Halloween!

Hobby Halloween!

Well, given that it was Halloween this past Monday, aside from carving pumpkins (seen above, mine is on the right), I thought it would be fitting to take a look through some of my long dead projects and see if anything could inspire me back into working on...
AK Interactive Streaking Grime and Filters

AK Interactive Streaking Grime and Filters

As I mentioned in my last post, I had used a number of products and techniques which were new to me on my Ultramarines Contemptor Dreadnought. Among these were the AK Interactive Streaking Grime and Rust Streak products.The Streaking products are all enamel based...
Golden Demon UK 2011 – 40K Vehicle Bronze

Golden Demon UK 2011 – 40K Vehicle Bronze

Back from a week off after Games Day and have finally got around to taking some decent pictures of my main entry for Golden Demon 2011 which took Bronze in the Warhammer 40k Vehicle Category.This is the first vehicle (let alone large model) I have painted in around...
Golden Demon UK 2011 Sneak Peak

Golden Demon UK 2011 Sneak Peak

A quick sneak preview of my main entry for Golden Demon UK 2011 as I pack away all my stuff for the trip down to Birmingham this evening. The lighting and photo setup (there really wasn't any!) is far from right so the colours are out a bit and any shading and...
Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Forgeworld)

Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Forgeworld)

Just ordered one of the new Contemptor Patter Dreadnoughts from Forgeworld and I have to say, it looks like one awesome kit.I haven't really been excited by Space Marines of late. The only SM kit in the last 4-5 years that I've purchased and put together being the FW...