by Andrew | Aug 2, 2015
Today Andrew is proud to announce that he has official dates and just signed for the hotel for Oh-Con 2016! Oh-Con will officially be March 4th-6th 2016 and will be located at Park Inn 101 North Summit Street Toledo Ohio 43604 (419)241-2300...
by Andrew | Aug 2, 2015
Today Rob Phaneuf is joined by David Reid from the Redstone Rumble to talk about Kings of War! Also Check out our event OH-Con!
by Andrew | Aug 2, 2015
Today brings the beginning of a New Age! Counter Charge has officially come to town! Andrew and Rob are starting with KoW 2nd ed talk. Also Check out our event OH-Con!
by Andrew | Jul 26, 2015
Well the Age of Sigmar is upon us and while some are all in, others are not. Today’s cast is meant for those who are looking for a replacement non skirmish mass combat game. Andrew and Rob get together and talk Kings of War since 2nd Ed has just released and...
by Andrew | Jul 22, 2015
Fear not fellow bloggerites, I'm not dead, just very very busy.To whit, I'm currently slumming it in Japan on a trip for work. This means two things:I'm occupying my evenings when I'm stuck in my room by painting the final grunts for One ForceGUNDAM!!!Yep, Japan...