226:  Necrons vs. Space Marines

226: Necrons vs. Space Marines

Game played!Brief batrep from the game I played a week or so ago against the new marines.  I've included a very brief battle report below, but due to the shop closing, we could only get in 2 turns so its pretty...
225:  5 years old today

225: 5 years old today

Amazingly, today marks 5 years since I started Iron Legion.  Can't quite believe its been that long.  Looking at the post number, it would seem that I've managed to average exactly 45 posts a year, a little under 1 post per week.  Not bad really, but...

224: Finecast is dead, and I’ll be sorry to see it go

If you follow any of the rumour mills out there you'll have seen recent talk that GW is abandoning finecast in place of plastic and that forgeworld will be coming more "in-house". I'll probably be the only one to say this, but I'll be sad to see finecast go.It's got...

223: Keeping the Hobby – Notes

So it's been a while, and there's always reasons.  I won't call them excuses because they are mostly conscious choices but they are there nonetheless. Over the last few months I've completed my first triathlon (in under 3 hours, and all the training...

222: for 2

There may be some of you out there that get the joke, for the rest, if you are a fan of cricket go and check out the twelfth man, I promise you'll enjoy it.Warning - very bad language and terrible humour.Proper posts to follow, I promise.