221: One Force at 1500pts

I can't quite believe it myself, but I've got One Force almost all the way to 1500pts.  In their most basic setup, without any unnecessary extras, the force is up to 1420pts, so I'm sure if I tart a few of them up with some extras I could get it to 1500pts if I...

220: Completed Vindicator

Ooops!In my excitement last week at finishing the Storm Raven, I blundered on ahead and posted shots of it completed, referring to this Vindicator and how much fun it has been painting vehicles, but had forgotten to post up the pictures of the completed Vindicator....

219: Painted One Force Storm Raven

I'd forgotten just how much fun it is to paint vehicles.  After the Vindicator I showed a couple of weeks ago, I was pretty keen to paint something else.  Seeing as I hadn't quite cast enough shoulder pads to finish my Mk IV demi-squad (thanks for the...

218: My Painting Table

I'm almost finished my current job, and in fact it'll signal the end of an entire career for me, and the end of a journey that started when I was 8 years old in a hospital bed, but that's probably a story for another time.  On the upside, I'm going to have the...

218: On my painting table

I'm almost finished my current job, and in fact it'll signal the end of an entire career for me, and the end of a journey that started when I was 8 years old in a hospital bed, but that's probably a story for another time.  On the upside, I'm going to have the...