212: Blog Wars 5, the aftermath and painting competition

Well, Blog Wars 5 has been and gone, and I'm "happy" to report that I managed a credible 3rd (from last :D).  Yep, from 10th in the first Blog Wars, to mid table at Blog Wars 4, to 3 from the bottom, I'm on a roll and I'm sure that wooden spoon will be mine in...

211: Off to Blog Wars 5

This weekend, I'll be attending Blog Wars 5, so I'm posting up my list for anyone who might be going to get a look at and be ready for.  Blog Wars is 1850pts, and a Special Character is required for your primary force.  Your special character counts as a...

210: Contemptor complete

He's been done for quite a while now, but as anyone who checks regularly may have noticed, I've had little if any time for hobby or the blog, hence the lack of updates.  Finally was able to sit him down and take some photo's though, here they are:You can see in...

209: Contemptor Dreadnought, tabletop ready

Amazingly, this model seems to be flying through the painting stages.  I'm not sure if its because I'm becoming more accustomed to the paintjob, or if it is because it is only a single model and so despite being a lot bigger, its a lot less to paint that lots of...

208: Squad 5 complete at last

Much more of a record keeping post today, just a picture of the finally finished squad 5, the 3rd 5-man squad completed for One Force.  These guys took part in the defence of Hive Okess as reported last week, dropping in towards the end of the battle to draw off...