by Andy - bG | Dec 20, 2012
Game 3: vs. John Holland (MC Tic Tac from Blood Claw)Mission: Kill points with Dawn of War ("normal") deployment.John was rocking Death Wing (5 squads with assorted load-outs), Belial, a blob of guard allies with a commissar and a Bastion. A...
by Andy - bG | Dec 13, 2012
Game 2: vs. Keith Duncan (no blog apparently)Mission: Relic with short edge deploymentKeith had a bit of a monster in his list, an 1100 point Lord (Trazyn the Infinite) and "Royal Court of Doom!" with a Cryptek with each of the available staffs, and...
by Andy - bG | Dec 10, 2012
from: JD's BlogI'm sure like everyone else out there, you've seen many of the pictures from the Istvaan diorama that Forgeworld produced for Games Day this year. There's a few more below for you just because they are so very pretty.Its currently on display...
by Andy - bG | Dec 7, 2012
A quick aside, voting continues for The Fallen Princes Badab Deathwatch competition, go take a look at all the entries, and place your vote for the one you think is the best (especially if that happens to be mine: no. 2). VOTE HERE :)Game 1: vs....
by Andy - bG | Dec 3, 2012
I'm back from Blog Wars 4 and had a great time, but I'd like to plug this quickly. You can see here the entry I made for The Fallen Princes Badab War Deathwatch competition.Voting is now possible for the entries to the competition. Go take a look at...