Salute 2013

I have to say I had an absolute blast at Salute this year, and I think it was a much better event than last year.  The stands were better laid out and I was able to see much more, talk to people, and it didn't feel quite so manic, even though there seemed to be...

Going a bit "old-school"

Sometimes the old ones are the best.  That's a statement not usually applicable to jokes, but I really do think it applies to GW Chaos Miniatures (see the Realm of Chaos section here).  I do like some of the newer Chaos stuff, but it all seems too regular -...

Ancible Issue 20

Hi all, Ancible Issue 20 is now out...Download LinkThe download will now cost you £1, but I hope you will think it's worth it.  I have a couple of articles this issue, a review of one of Reaper's "Bones" range, and Watching Paint Dry is a quick and dirty guide to...


Yep, I am alive, just about, and still painting!  As Terry Pratchett fans may have worked out by the post title, I got my hands on one of the fantastic Discworld sculpts from Micro Art Studios, and in particular, Granny Weatherwax:The sculpting on this miniature...

Calling in support…

Another of the "to be finished" list has been completed and this time it's one of the Regimental Advisors blister:A bit of a quick and dirty paint job, he's designed to fit in as part of the small Rogue Trader set of miniatures I've been painting over the last year or...