Hawk Lord and Broom Lady

Not much to report this week, a little purple on the head and right shoulder, but the main thing is the crest, which I think has come out pretty well:As I'm slowly migrating to the new GW paint range, so Breviccus Flavus is evolving.  The yellows are the same...

Liebster Blog Award…

This little number has been doing the rounds in the blogosphere - it's a rather nice way of getting other people's blogs noticed, which I'm all in favour of.  There's so much good stuff out there, and there may be one or two that you never knew existed.When you...

Alas, poor Yarrick! I knew him Horatio…

The next of my backlog of unfinished miniatures is done.  Like the dragon in the last post, I had to get myself over the ridiculous mental block I had over finishing him and yet again I'm glad I did, as he's come out really well.Still not totally happy with the...

A Dragon Finished

I bit the bullet and finally got Mizuchi completed!  This chap has proven to be a bit of a hit among my non-wargaming friends, everyone loves dragons!He came out really well, and I wish I'd just got on and finished him sooner.  In case you haven't seen the...

Ancible Issue 18

The next issue is out and ready for download:Download it here.WarlordSongs of Blades and HeroesWatching Paint DrySome actual painted stuff will appear here soon - I finally finished the Bushido dragon, and I have a load of new projects started too.  :-)