Dark Vengeance Chosen and Other Animals

The bulkhead door crumples with the first impact, the second blow sends the door flying across the room and it clatters against the back wall.  The monstrosity that fills the doorway terrifies the guardsmen manning the hastily constructed barricade.  It is...

Scholarly Militiamen

OK, you can label me a Lead Adventures miniatures fan-boy.  Their miniatures are full of character, beautifully sculpted and bucket-loads of fun to paint.  Having painted a few miniatures that have felt more like a chore recently, it was a real pleasure to...

Boris the Executioner

After the serious nature of my last post (thank you for the comments everyone, much appreciated, there's likely to be a similarly themed post in the future, and how miniature painting helps), it's back to miniatures again.Is it just me (and the guys at Reaper and...

Mental Health…

Nothing painting related in this post, I'm afraid.  However, it felt important to highlight that today is World Mental Health day.  Sufferers of mental illness often find it difficult to explain to others how it feels, and it can seem that outwardly there's...

Lords of the Flies

After buying the Dark Vengeance boxed set I did a fair bit of ummming and ahhhing about the colour scheme for the Chaos force.  In an earlier post I had settled on making them Word Bearers, with the Cultists following different gods, the autogun armed bunch being...