Warning shot in the head sir?

It's been a while since my last post, so to get back in the swing of things I'll introduce to you a certain Balthazar Weiss, the Arch-Militant of the good (bad) ship "Siegfried and Roy", last seen stood atop a transport vehicle, blasting away at another...

Dark Vengeance: Cultists Set 1

So having finished off a couple of miniatures that I've had on the go for a while, I rewarded myself with some miniatures from the Dark Vengeance box set.  The temptation was to start with one of the character models, but that would have been spoiling myself, so...


Next up on my "miniatures that needed finishing" list is Valaska Syn from Hasslefree miniatures. ...and I'm not sure she works...The model itself is nice, and I wanted to veer away from the rather obvious purple/pink and black Slaaneshi look and go for a more...


The Tale of 3 Painters is over, and my article for the Ancible has been published, so what next?  Finishing up all the little finished miniatures on my painting desk is what, before I start on the Dark vengeance boxed set.First up is a Confrontation miniature...

Ancible Issue 17

It's that time again...Download LinkAs always, loads of good stuffMercsFreebladesPainting Infinity MiniaturesMore thoughts on Empire of the DeadTale of Three PaintersYep, the Tale of 3 Painters makes it to the Ancible, for a little more exposure...I'll be back to...