Tale of 3 Painters: All good things must come to an end…

The title says it all really, I've finished Hoffman, and I'm really, really pleased with how he looks:The copper metalwork has come out well, just Tin Bitz, shaded with Nuln Oil, then highlighted with Dwarf Bronze and Mithril Silver.  I'm starting to appreciate...

Tale of 3 Painters: Watching Me, Watching You…

We appear to be on the final straight!  I'm actually on course for an early finish at least a few days ahead of the deadline, which would amaze the people at work, not to mention the guys at the Ancible... The Watcher actually is finished, and I'm definitely...

Tale of 3 Painters: Waistcoats and Watchers

Evening all.A quick update tonight - I've been making some good progress, particularly on the Watcher, but first up it's Hoffman's waistcoat:Same recipe as for the Watcher's body, so nothing exciting there, but he now has his required Guild red, and I've done a little...

Tale of 3 Painters: All mouth AND trousers…

Fresh from celebrating the great Mo Farahs victory in the 5000m final, now seems a good time to post a couple of WIP shots of my contributions to the Tale of 3 Painters:First up is the metalwork on the Watcher, a Leadbelcher base coat, shaded with Nuln Oil, and...

Tale of 3 Painters: First Paint

So my plan to show the metalwork I'd done this evening fell by the wayside as my camera battery ran out...bugger.  However! (Probably no need for an exclamation mark, but I'm feeling dramatic tonight)  While the shade was drying on Hoffman's leg braces, I...