Know Your Enemy: Ash’s Court Of The Dracon

Welcome to the first Know Your Enemy! While our new edition is still well, new, we thought it would be a good idea to give some insights into how the team behind the game play H8R. Many of the teams we'll showcase in this feature have been brought more or less...

Heralds of Ruin Introduces: The Rak’Gol

Or: Spiky Radioactive Space Lizards.- Words by Jean-Luc Delaroute.So here you are, wondering what kill team you're going to take rampaging through 8th edition. You're browsing the list of available factions. There are all the usual suspects... But maybe you want to...

Scrutinising the Inscrutable

Welcome, Heralds, to Volume I of our (as yet unnamed) tactica collection. We'll probably end up calling it something stupid like Steel Brain.I thought I'd start with something really niche and optional. You know, the important stuff. Specifically the new Inscrutable...

Competition time!

In the grim darkness of the 41st Millenium, there are only prizes.As you probably know, we're busy testing our newly updated Kill Team Lists. We set ourselves the initial target of 100 battle reports to gather a decent amount of data on the way they play. Now we need...

Markerlight #1: Marco Andrä

Heralds of Ruin, much like a warband of Bezerkers, is all about the community. Without the playing, photographing, arguing and enthusiasm this game would be nowhere. I wanted to give some of the members their chance in the spotlight (a risky prospect in wartime, I'll...