Paint Line Comparison Results!

Paint Line Comparison Results!

In a spectacularly short fashion (for me) I have finished my four test minis in 12 days. I certainly learned a bit about these paints, and what I like or don't about each. I tried to just do my 'normal' painting to get results most helpful to me in deciding what paint...
Citadel Tool Set Price Comparison

Citadel Tool Set Price Comparison

I've seen the usual grumblings over Game's Workshops fancy limited edition tool set they're releasing. It's priced at $150 which, at first glance, seems a bit steep. It's a 10 piece set (9 tools and the bag) with nearly everything you'd need to launch yourself into...
Paint Debate Begins!

Paint Debate Begins!

Fresh from Adepticon, with no other impending projects on my plate means it's officially time for me to embark on my Great Paint Experiment. I got started two nights ago.Obviously, step 1 was to label them.  I wouldn't have gotten very far without that. So far, I...
Adepticon 2014 Recap

Adepticon 2014 Recap

What a whirlwind of a week it's been! This was my first Adepticon, and I had an absolute blast. There was so much to see and do, I hardly know where to start.Calm before the Warp Storm. I played Necromunda, Lord of the Rings, and Saga- one each day. It seemed...
On The Road to Adepticon!

On The Road to Adepticon!

The time is now! I'm all but at Adepticon. There's still this pesky 11 hour drive between me and all the gaming I can handle. The snacks are packed! I remembered to pack socks! All three armies are painted, packed, and ready to go!  See! Proof! I...