The Shell Case Painting Competition!

The Shell Case Painting Competition!

In conjunction with Army Painter and Firestorm Games, The Shell Case is hosting The Big Damn Painting Competition! You can make everyone jealous about your skills AND win a very nice price at the same time!The rules are simple: submit a single model entry (up to two...
Baby Balrog: The Dweller in the Dark

Baby Balrog: The Dweller in the Dark

Ages ago, Casey suckered me into playing Lord of the Rings. I finished my Moria Goblins not too long ago and now I am playing in the LOTR tournament at Adepticon (only two weeks away!). My most recent addition to the army is the Dweller in the Dark, whom I...
Joining The Shell Case!

Joining The Shell Case!

Wonderful news, my friends! Phil over at the Shell Case has asked me to join as a contributor. And who am I to say no? Although, the lavish compliments he gave me certainly didn't hurt his case. I am incredibly excited to get started working with the fine mess of...
Paint Range Experiment Part 1: So Much Paint

Paint Range Experiment Part 1: So Much Paint

I've delved deeply into this experiment so far. I did quite a bit of research on paint comparisons, decided on the models, visited a lot of LGSs, and have purchased vast quantities of paint. Not a bad start, I think. The research actually took a lot more effort than I...
2013 Daemonette Project

2013 Daemonette Project

A little late, but better than never, right? I got sick, had exams, blah blah blah. I get it, I suck, but whatever. She's done. Here's my 2013 Daemonette. I tried some of the techniques I learned at the painting class in December. I was pretty disappointed to discover...