Just a note…

   I'm not dead yet, but I am dead tired. Grad school has been taking a much bigger toll on me than I expected. I feel like I've done nothing but run around with my hair on fire since August. Don't work full time and go to school full time, kids.Krom gets...

Stonehaven Halfling Adventurers KS

Long time no see, eh? I have just a quick little update to today. It's been all work and (mostly) no play here lately. My new job has been kicking my butt with some projects. But I've still been getting some hobby on, including playing a new game *gasp*. More on that...

Happy Hobby Home

It's been a month since I moved, and I got all these fancy hobby-related goodies I thought I would share. I promise I've been painting, too, but that's for another upcoming post.When I got the new place, I realized I have a ton of space in my living room for hobby...

Little May Update

May has been a *busy* month, but you wouldn't know it from the state of the site. I finished the Dark Angel biker commission (yay!) and I moved house. I'm really looking forward to a much more chill June.The commission was supposed to be totally finished before I...

Dawn of the Airbrush

 It's been a busy month at chez Chickhammer. I started a fantastic new job and I've found a new love- the airbrush. A woman has needs, don't judge.Just playing around. I've been working on a Dark Angels commission (largely Ravenwing Bikers) and the client...