Still Kicking Around

Still Kicking Around

Hey, where'd October go? Work started picking up in September and now suddenly it's November. I feel like I missed my favorite month of the year. But it was not without a little hobby progress.Getting there slowly.I've been working on a Stormwolf and a Logan Grimnar...
September Kickstarter Project Recommendations

September Kickstarter Project Recommendations

A lot has been going on here lately, so I haven't had much hobby time. My school semester is in full swing and I took my first painting commission last week. So I have been hobbying, just not for myself. But, I do want to take a bit of time to spread the word about...
Well, That Was a Mistake

Well, That Was a Mistake

 After lamenting that I didn't find any interesting, new figures at the NOVA Open (for no other reason than I wanted something to paint), I thought about just how many unpainted models I already have. At first I thought, well, there's the Malifaux box I picked up...
NOVA Open 2014 Recap

NOVA Open 2014 Recap

 The NOVA Open has closed on another year. My absolute favorite part was that I enjoyed some really great games. I played all 8 games of the GT and probably three of them were top ten of the best games I've ever played. Harald Deathwolf there killed a lot of...
Bound for NOVA Open 2014!

Bound for NOVA Open 2014!

 It's that time of the year again, folks! NOVA Open is this weekend! I'll be running my Space Wolves in the 40k GT, with a list cobbled together from my old edition models for the new edition rules. It's better than it sounds- all my models got cheaper so I...