Heresy Space Wolves- The Start

Last post, I asked if I should start on my Heresy Wolves now, or if I should wait and see what Forgeworld comes out with in the coming months. The overwhelming consensus was that I should kick my lazy butt into gear and do it myself- for a menagerie of very good...

Get Started or Wait? My Space Wolves Dilemma

With the exciting news of a new video for the Forgeworld Horus Hersey Book 1 today, I've really come to a head with getting started on my upcoming Space Wolf army.I've been talking about the Big Plans I have for them for a few months now, and it's probably time I came...

First Army Nostalgia

I talked about it for a while, and it took a bit, but I finally sold my Daemon army. I packed it up last night and shipped it off this morning. They're going all the way to a chap in South Africa. As excited that I am to see them put to good use (as I've been ignoring...