First Impression of Mark of the Lycan Pack

I've been trying to devise a way to get a handful of models to denote those with Mark of the Wulfen. A box of the OOP GW ones occasional goes up on eBay, but for a ridiculous amount of money. No thanks. A range of other options are out there- everything from cobbling...

Has Anyone Seen My Dog Whistle?

There are so many wolves on the loose here, it's getting a little crazy. There are 24 pups on my painting table today, and they're nearly finished. Everyone, at least, has their base coat and first wash finished. A few more, those on the right, are a little bit...

Ice & Snow Base Tutorial

I had a couple questions about how I did the bases for my Space Wolves. So I thought I'd do a post about it. Plus, this way, in three months when I have to make one more, there's concrete evidence of what I did instead of "Uh... I think I used this color?". At least I...

Finished SW Venerable Dreadnought

Over the weekend, I threw as many hours as I could into working on my Space Wolf army (also rewatching West Wing, my go-to show while hobbying). NOVA is only 171 days away, and I have a lot of work to do before then and I'm trying not to waste too much time. After the...

WIP Wed: Fenrisian Wolves Coming Together

I started whipping out my Fenrisian Wolves in earnest this week. After my sad, sad first attempt at them a while back, I finally got the motivation/courage to give them another go. If you recall, I started their fur back in October, but the results were very...