by Ashley | Feb 26, 2013
A few months back, in preparation for my Heresy Space Wolves project, I bought a bit of Blu Stuff to help me cast a few items I wanted to work on for the army. I hadn't gotten to the point where I wanted to cast anything just yet, until now.One of my Chanukah gifts...
by Ashley | Feb 24, 2013
As promised, I was a guest on Of Dice and Men a little while back and the episode has finally been released. We talked about Kingdom Death a bit and we also touched on the "Spots the Space Marine" issue as well. Then it just sorta got silly from there! It's about 90...
by Ashley | Feb 21, 2013
I was recently a guest on the Of Dice and Men podcast and one of the members, Phil who runs The Shell Case, asked me to write up a guest post for his site on a topic of my choosing. With the recent uproar over the actions against "Spots the Space Marine" and the...
by Ashley | Feb 15, 2013
Over the last year or so, I've acquired quite the pile of assorted miniatures. Between frequenting my FLGS, getting some as gifts, and being irresistibly addicted to good eBay deals, I ended up with so many that I had to start sticking them all in a box so I wouldn't...
by Ashley | Feb 13, 2013
When I did my LOTR movie/painting marathon, I got quite a bit of work done on the goblins. Despite spending nearly the entire duration of the marathon working on them, I did not get them finished. Slow painter is slow. But I've made improvement! You wouldn't...