LOTR Movie & Painting Marathon

Two weeks ago, I sat down for what used to be an annual tradition of mine- a Lord of the Rings marathon. I always enjoyed doing it but, as happens, life gets in the way and things fall to the wayside. There's been a lot of that happening lately, I've been sick...

First Game of Hell Dorado

Over the weekend, I gave Hell Dorado a shot. I've been really enjoying skirmish games lately (if Mordheim and Necomunda weren't enough of a clue). Something about small model count, quick games has been really appealing. I prepped and primed my Westerners warband but...

The Need For Better Alternatives

A recent post on Bell of Lost Souls was brought to my attention and I was asked for my opinion. Unsurprisingly, I have a few. There's three parts to address: the BOLS post, the Save vs. Sexism post BOLS responded to, and the Kingdom Death Kickstarter that prompted the...

In My Hobby Box: Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover came up recently in my twitter feed, and it got me thinking about all the non-hobby items that get used for hobby related reasons. Probably the most helpful of these non0hobby items is nail polish remover. That's because nail polish remover...

Hammer in the New Year 2013 Success!

After much preparation and worry, my Hammer in the New Year tournament ran yesterday and was, if I may say so, quite successful. 16 people showed up to throw some dice. The overall response has been positive and I'm glad everyone had a good time.Just a few pictures...