Posted a list of my unplayed games!

In an effort to get my gaming more focused on my goals for the year, I've posted up a list of all of my unplayed games here.If there's a game you particularly want to read about, or better yet, would like to play, let me know, otherwise I'll be working on going...

Marvel Champions LCG Decklist – Aggression Captain America

Image taken from the FFG home pageI have played a few times with the Captain America preconstructed deck (a Leadership deck), but I wanted to try something different, and decided to give Aggression a shot, as my experience with it wasn't super impressive.  Here...

Current Warmachine/Hordes Status

I just wanted to write some notes where I stand with my Warmachine and Hordes stuff, by faction.Minions - This is a faction where I currently have a fully assembled and ready to go list...

Marvel Champions LCG Decklist – Leadership Captain Marvel

Image taken from CardGameDB.I've been playing a decent amount of the new Marvel Champions card game, and as I've been playing, I wanted to keep track of the various decks I was using, how I've done with them, etc.  I figured, why not put them up in my blog, so I...

Looking into 2020

Well, I've put up my resolutions for the year, so I thought I'd, once again, talk more generally about what I'd like to see out of myself for gaming this year.  Unlike resolutions, I won't give myself hard metrics to try to meet and won't kick myself if I fail to...