Monthly summary for August, 2019

What's my excuse this month?  Who knows.  I traveled, I worked, and I actually did good organizing my basement.  Not exciting, but things are moving towards me having more time available, FINALLY.Games PlayedCat Lady - Three games, all against Marina,...

Monthly summary for July, 2019

Another month past, another late update, and another month where I really didn't get as much done as I wanted.  My excuse this month?  Honestly, stress.  My dad and father-in-law had health scares, which actually saw me hit the gym more than usual, as I...

Monthly Summary for June, 2019

Whew, June just flew by.  I, once again, spent most of my time in the basement actually working on getting stuff organized and unpacked, and I actually made really good progress this month!  I feel confident that post-July 4th festivities, I'll actually have...

Monthly Summary for May, 2019

Another month, come and gone.  I had attempted to write more blog posts, but my time at home has been taken up by more working on my basement- we have a bunch of new shelves that I built, and I've been unpacking the basement.  Just part of the process.Games...

Star Wars LCG Progression, Part 1

So, I love card games for many reasons, but a big one is that I love the deck-building side of things.  Sitting down with an idea, fleshing it out with a variety of cards from the card pool, and then taking your ideas and throwing them against your opponent's...