Monthly Summary for February, 2019

Whew, pretty late for this one.  I ended up having a laptop issue that I couldn't resolve well enough, and ended up having to buy a laptop.  Couple that with two weekends of traveling, setup time for the laptop, and the various other things I do, it just...

Monthly Summary for January, 2019

I decided I'm going to just do this once a month, instead of every week or so, as I feel like these posts aren't super interesting to most people. I haven't managed to post any "real" blog posts this month, as my focus has been on my basement.  Over the course of...

Looking into 2019

Well, 2019 has started, and I've already posted my resolutions, but I wanted to talk a bit about what I'm going to be trying to accomplish this year on this blog, and in my gaming life in general.  I am going to break it down by genre, somewhat.Miniature gaming -...

New Years Resolutions for 2019!

So, the last time I did this, nine years ago, I made a few mistakes.  To start, I made a lot of achievements that just weren't likely possible (painting full armies?), which as I fell behind on them during the year, made them so difficult that I gave up.I also...

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to wish everyone reading a Happy New Year!  Hopefully 2018 was good for you, and hopefully 2019 will be even better!I plan to get a lot more posting done this year, with a bunch of random projects planned.  As they get ramped up, I'll make sure...