Happy New Year!

Just wanted to wish everyone reading a Happy New Year!  Hopefully 2018 was good for you, and hopefully 2019 will be even better!I plan to get a lot more posting done this year, with a bunch of random projects planned.  As they get ramped up, I'll make sure...

Gameplay Summary of 2018

With the year winding down, and with there being a good chance I don't play any more games for the year, I wanted to look back over my year of gaming briefly.First, let's look at the ten games I played the most this year:Splendor - 31 playsMagic: The Gathering - 30...

Weekly-ish summary for week ending 12/29/18

This has been a pretty hectic month, with the holiday and all.  I did manage to get some work done on the basement, however! It is fully primed (twice!), and we've set up wire shelving in one part, where all of my card game boxes have started to get...

Kings of War: Vanguard Unboxing (from Kickstarter)

A bit delayed, as I've had this in my hands for some time and I've already seen these in the shop.  But for anyone interested, I figured I'd show a bit about the game and the components.  This is going to be part one of covering what was included, and I...

Weekly Summary for Week Ending 12/8/18

Alright, dog-sitting ended Tuesday, which means I started getting back into my gaming routine somewhat.  No work got done on the basement, which is a big limit on what and how much I actually do, but progress will be made shortly.Games PlayedWarhammer Underworlds...