Weekly Summary for week ending 12/01/18

This was a week where I continued work on the basement (my eventual gaming den), and was given a surprise dog-sitting assignment, which has, once again, slowed me down in my hobby life.  With luck, maybe I can get a week where I have no abnormal commitments, and...

Post-Thanksgiving update (11/24/2018)

Sporadic still, as my wife and I worked most nights to get our house ready for Thanksgiving.  Now that it is done, I can get some more time to play, and hopefully work on my basement, where I'll FINALLY get some space and time to work on my hobbies again!Games...

Summary since my last update (11/6/18)

I am running a bit behind, and had a big gaming weekend this past weekend, so I wanted to take this chance to catch up on things before trying to keep this actually up to date through November :)Apologies for the wall of text!Games PlayedOne game of Warmachine - I...

Weekly Summary for week ending 10/20/18

Late, once again. I swear, I'll get back in the right schedule as soon as I can!Games PlayedArkham Horror: The Card Game.  We played The Pallid Mask, and I was Ashcan Pete. BK gave a description on his blog. Basically, we lost :(Settlers of Catan.  This was...

October MiniCrate arrived! [Warmachine/Hordes]

Got something fun in the mail today!  What could it be?Oooh!  The new MiniCrate from Privateer Press!  I can't actually remember which one I'm getting, so despite the frequent spoilers and articles, these actually still manage to be a surprise when they...