Weekly Summary for week ending 10/13/18

Back to a regular gaming schedule!I want to make mention of the blog of a friend of mine: Massively Miniaturized.  Once upon a time, my friends and I ALL blogged.  For a long time, it was just me.  However, finally, one other returns to the world of...

Weekly Summary for week ending 10/6/18

A bit delayed.  We did the final move into our new house, then immediately went on a week long vacation.  Since I've had a bit of a gap between last post and this, this won't be a 'weekly' log, but a 'what have I done since last post' log.  I will get...

Weekly Summary for week ending 9/15/18

House work continues, but I move this upcoming weekend, giving me a deadline for when I'll be back to normal gaming.  The above picture is a good sign of the state of my hobby collection for the moment.Games PlayedPlayed in a session of Mutant Year Zero run by...

Weekly Summary for week ending 9/8/18

Another slow week on the gaming front, as we are still doing work on the new house.  I am still going to find time for a little gaming though, have no fear!Games PlayedNone!  I expect next week I will get at least a game of something in.  I spent my...

Weekly Summary for week ending 9/1/18

I've seen other blogs do this (like The Old West Chronicle), and I figured writing up a weekly summary might be a good way for me to collect my thoughts/accomplishments/random gaming things for the week easily.  We'll see how I like it after a week or two of...