Assembled an army for a new game [Rune Wars]

I just finished assembling the Daqan starter army from the Core box, and hopefully will put this on the table on July 12th against Walt.I have to say, I've assembled a lot of minis in my day, but I did not enjoy assembling these one bit.  They aren't complicated...

Assembled some Shadespire!

So my birthday was back on the 21st of June, and my mother-in-law gave me some money, which I used to buy some new stuff!One of those things was Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, a game which seems really popular.  For me, personally, it has potential to be a...

Made my first Brawl deck! [Magic: The Gathering]

Boom!After hearing about the format, I couldn't wait to give it a try!  I finally sat down and built a deck, using Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun as my Commander.I figure I'll try using it and God-Pharaoh's gift to recur a bunch of big scary creatures, like Zetalpa...

Battle Report, Minions vs Mercenaries, 4/12/18 [Warmahordes]

Whew, took a long time to post this!  Lots going on in my life, so having time to sit in front of the computer has been tough.  But hey, finally have it written up and posted.This game was against Joey again.  I wanted to put some new stuff on the...

Netrunner done! [Android: Netrunner LCG]

Seems that the game hit an End the Run subroutine it couldn't break :(.'m pretty saddened by this, as I have been with all of their LCG deaths (Invasion, Call of Cthulhu, Conquest, Star Wars), but...