My 2022 retrospective, and a bit of looking forward into 2023

It has been quite an odd year for me.  With the new child and long commute to and from work, I did not get as many opportunities for gaming as I usually do, but still pushed myself to try some new things and move my hobby status forward. Let's start with some...

Warmachine MKIV Preview Battlegroups have arrived!

Finally!All three battle boxes, with their magnets in the white containersI didn't have a whole lot of time to dig into them quite yet, but getting these table ready will be my priority.  I did get a chance to pop open the Cygnar box, however.Inside the Cygnar...

Examining Prime-legal legacy armies and my collection, Part 2

Continuing from yesterday, I am going to look at the remaining Prime-legal legacy armies, and try to figure out where I stand with each of them.  This will help guide my purchases before the rules come out, and give me some idea of what to expect. One thing to...

Examining what the Prime-legal Legacy armies mean to me

With the list of 28 Prime-legal Legacy armies released last week, I have been trying to figure out what I can expect for my own collection, personally.  Maybe get an idea of what I should try to buy so I can get some games pretty early into MKIV. Circle...

PP releases actual list of Legacy armies!

Heh, got my post out JUST IN TIME to be irrelevant.  Here's the official list of legacy armies that will be Prime legal to start with: was right and wrong.  Some of these are a...