Warmachine MKIV: Thinking about Legacy armies

(Image from Privateer Press' website)There’s nothing like the long wait between and announcement of a new edition, and the long gap until getting it, or at least getting enough new info to talk more about it.  I placed my order for the new preview battlegroups......

Warmachine MKIV Battlegroups available for order!

 You can now order the preview battlegroups from Privateer Press' webstore!  Khador, Cygnar, and Orgoth.Yes, I ordered at least one.  I can't deny I may have ordered all three.  What did you expect?

A bunch of Privateer Press/Warmachine news and updates

Well, PP isn't wasting any time with more MKIV news/previews and information. A lore overview of the new Dusk faction (and House Kallyss army) I would've preferred basically ANY art associated with it.  Give me a damn solo, or something.  This is fine, but...

Warmachine MKIV rules changes, and first impressions

Well, PP has put the beta rules up for the new edition! Check it out!  I was kind of hoping they'd have them up a little earlier, but I guess there was some issue holding it up, which given that they've been working on this for a long time, doesn't fill me with...

New version of Warmachine announced!

 Image from the Privateer Press websiteWell, in case you hadn't noticed, Warmachine is getting a new version!Here is the press release.Here are some more details about the new version.I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about my thoughts about the new...