
Contests?  Sign me up!I am doing a couple of quick contests for the blog here.  With some great prizes just in time for the holidays.  Contest Number 1 - NEW HEADERIn the realization that the blog is moving in a new direction.  And it will entail...

Post number 178

As stated in the next post, please find a better title for this post.My life…Not that you care to hear what is going on in my personal life, but my 5 year old has an ear infection and upper respiratory infection.   I just got a lot more responsibility dumped...

Oooh an update!

I haven’t updated, blah , blah blah…  Ok, so instead of reading some lame excuse, or a promise to get back to posting on a frequent basis, I will explain how the site will be changing.  The period of non-posting was based on the fact that for a while, I did...

Tourin’ Tuesdays – Screamin’ Heretic’s Finecast post

Now that the recent wave of GW hate has subsided a little bit (yes, I did say a little bit), I thought it was time to openly discuss some issues that people have with GW, and in my opinion how to handle these concerns, and negativity when it comes to our hobby. ...

Madboy Mundayz – Phobiaks Part 2

Ok, here it is quick and dirty...rules for 5th ed Phobiaks...0-1 Phobiak MadboyzNote: No more than one unit of Madboyz may be taken regardless of what type of madboyz they are.Unit size 5-20 MadboyzArmed with slugga and choppa.May be armed with shootas for no...