Serjury Sundayz – Squig arms

We have already seen how useful Squigs can be to Orkish Society.  Imagine if you will, you’re an ork, and your arm has gotten chopped off in battle.  (or blown off, but den again why didn’t it git chopped off in a scrap?  You’re an ork, not a panzee,...

Digital Waaagh! 2011-07-23 06:34:00

Remember the old 40k 3rd Edition Starter box?  Seen by some as the set that started it all.  40k was at a new high in the hobby world, and this box set was just the thing to get geeks clamoring for 40k.  The third edition of the game was released in...

What’s in a name?

I used to eat Ding Dongs when I was a kid and a while back I picked up some of these yummy treats, and they are not how I remembered them.  There is overall less creamy goodness inside, and they seem smaller.  Oh well, they were still somewhat tasty, but not...

Moroniks *UPDATE* (see edit note at bottom)

So after reading last week's article about Moroniks, you can't wait to use them in your own games of 40k right?  Well, your wait is over!  Here are the rules for utilizing Moroniks in your battles!  Now, get them out there, and watch the madness...

"No, I really mean it this time!" or "Why do trains run?"

I read this great post recently on the House of Paincakes.Why is it so great?  Well it is on so many levels.  First of all, it sums up my excuses for not updating more often.  Besides that, the comments are very insightful as well. I have a backlog...