Radagast the Brown

I was not overly impressed by Radagast when I watched The Hobbit at the cinema - he was a little too ditsy, and not how I imagine one of the great wizards to behave. However, when I first saw the Radagast figure, I was immediately drawn to him and although he was...

Forsaken Princess for Ax Faction

Not many WIP photos recently, I know, but that doesn't mean I've not been painting. I've actually been doing a commission piece for a fairly new British miniature company called Ax Faction. (She is now available to purchase...)This one is a Witch Hunter called the...

Vokker Dargu for Studio McVey

I am not a big commission painter - in fact I rarely take on projects unless they really grab me... but when Studio McVey approached me to paint one of their new Sedition Wars miniatures it was inevitable going to be one of those 'moments'! The miniature that fell to...

Nearly done!

The Salamander is on the last rush towards completion. There's a fair bit more to do on the metallics (and his gun) and he is obviously missing a base, but he's certainly coming together. 

Salamander Marine

The marine as he stands now... green, yellow and black are mostly done, but I have a fair bit to do on his cloak. I am unhappy with the way is coming on and have tried numerous colour combinations and am now thinking the whole cloak needs to be covered in scales (or...