Salute here we come!

We are now on our way 'up country' as they say to the great, magnificent Londinivm. Really looking forward to the show tomorrow, and should hopefully get a chance for some moules frittes tonight and a beverage with some good friends at the hotel later. Models are...

Plinths and nameplates

The plinths and nameplates arrived for my salute entries yesterday and I just wanted to share...Name-It! and Oakwood-Studios have come out trumps for me at short notice to sort me out a couple of plinths and some nice name plates. This is a bit of a new foray for...

One good orc deserves another…

I am going through a bit of a greenskin phase at the moment... I just can't get enough of them. This one, however, is a Wrath of Kings House Teknes Union Worker (or as I like to call it, 'pig-man') painted up more like a classic D&D pig-faced orc.The model is...

‘Editors Choice’ on Putty and Paint!

Now, I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but the Orc bust is doing me proud - he has been picked by the bosses on Putty and Paint to be one of their 'Editors Choice' minis and shown on their homepage! (woohoo!) The extra visibility seems to be helping the number of...

Orc bust back on the workbench

In my usual hap-hazard way of working on what really grabs me, I spent a good bit of Thursday working on 'Einstein' the Figone Orc bust from back in February, and have actually got some half-decent photos of him! And what a photogenic lad he is too...!