Slowly but surely

After a brief aside whilst I painted a commission piece (images to come once I have permission to post details), I am back on the huge samurai! *gulp!*His head is complete bar the pattern on the white fold-backs, and both arms are almost there too. My mission for this...

And now for something completely different…

A 120mm Twelfth Century Samurai by Pegaso...!I have had this model on my pile of unpainted toy soldiers for a very long time. I am pretty sure I bought him way back in 2002/3 so 10 years ago... A model this large can be quite a daunting task and I have already...

On the workbench – Figone Orc Bust

Whats next on the table?An orc bust by French company Figone - he has been thoroughly enjoyable to paint so far, and I have some ideas for the rest of him to try and get some different textures on there. Thick, worn leather apron and a white pin striped shirt.Not...

Poppy Come Lately

Deadlines... such a double edged sword! In all my years of painting (and life for that matter) I can't seem to get past the whole 'finish at the last minute' thing! The same thing happened with this most recent model - I left it very late to start and got my montage...

Off the wagon…

Erm... I have fallen off the painting for wargames wagon this month... gah... I am disappointed in myself.However, I know I'm a display painter at heart* so have cracked on with a little something else this week - Poppy-come-lately by Statuesque miniatures. Statuesque...