Puppykicker’s first 250 – Ravenwing

Here are some picturs of Phill's 250 points - some rather nice Ravenwing bikersAnd some photos of our models together - 500pts of marines - not that many all things considered!

An interesting Kickstarter – Beyond the Gates of Antares

As you may have noticed, every so often I post about a Kickstarter on the blog. There are so many of them these days that I try to be quite selective with what I post and this one appears to be something a bit different again. I've pledged on board games which are...

The next 250pt batch!

some initial pics of 250pt block #2Grey Knight Terminatorsand a Finecast (!) JokaeroI've still got a lot of prep-work to do on these guys, this month is going to be a real challenge! Part of me wonders whether I should just buy Kaldor Draigo and paint only one mini...

Heresy Dragon Unboxing

I like dragons, a fact that I am not ashamed to admit. Tracy, on the other hand absolutely LURVES dragons. It makes my infatuation with those winged scaled monstrosities seem positively trivial. She has loads of different dragon models ranging from the tiny...