24 hours to go… Grey Knights final push!

So, it is the penultimate day of the month - crunch time for my tale of x gamers challenge. What have I done?-Painted 5 Grey Knights to 90% completion -Painted and converted my Ordo Xenos Inquisitor 95% complete-Built, prepped and done the initial silver coat on my...

A quick Grey Knight update

These are the boys as they stand now. Ignore the blu-tac'd heads... I still have a bit of work to do on the inside of the neck area - needs some decent shading to make the helmets stand out. Stormbolters will be a dark red and I think the cowl of the Justicar needs...

Tale of Gamers – Grey Knights week 2

Second week down - more of the details on the Marines have been painted, and I have started work on the bases. There are two examples in the photos below - they are made from Super Sculpey, small (1:48) bricks by PK-Pro and a little bit of cork. They are not too tall...

Tale of gamers – a little progress

I have progressed a little with my grey knights but don't have any 'proper' photos - just quick shots from my mobile phone, so I am going to keep them quite small. I wanted to do some gritty demon slaying marines rather than the shiny paragons of light that you...