And the winner is….

And the winner is….

So the votes for Wamp awards have been counted and varified, and the winners have been announced. The category I was nominated for was as followsBest Painted SteampunkWinner:Kitty Reimer - Morsi2nd:Time - Fesechko3rd: Einstein - Peter BellWell done to Morsi and...
Wamp award nomination!!

Wamp award nomination!!

Wamp award nomination!!Well, as starts to the miniature year go, this one has been pretty good. Spent some good painting time on a new commission which is shaping up to be one of my best, I have a new compressor which is looking like a fantastic investment and I am...
The end of 2013… Happy New Year everyone!

The end of 2013… Happy New Year everyone!

It's that time of year again, when everyone is looking back at the year and what they have achieved... So I thought I'd join in the merriment! Fortunately in some respects, I am a pretty slow painter so this won't be too long a post, but here we go...I finished 2012...
Another commission! Feral Lass for Ax Faction

Another commission! Feral Lass for Ax Faction

After the whirlwind of excitement around the GDUK, with it's traditionally lengthy build up and painting frenzy through the summer months, it can often be a bit of an anti-climax when we get to October. Burnt-out and exhausted it is not uncommon for a competition...
Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown

My other entry for GDUK this year was the Radagast which I showed as a WIP a few months ago. I was really pleased with the way he was turning out so decided to really try to create an interesting way of displaying the miniature.With the competition in mind, I knew I...