Poldercon 2017

Last weekend was the 3rd edition of Poldercon. The first two years I organised a Bolt Action Demo there and that was a lot of fun. (you can have a look at the video here)You get a lot of players to your demo table that are interested in playing the game and you get to...

Projects in between

Battle for macragge downed pilotWhen you're recovering from a hobby burn out it's nice to pick up some small projects that won't take you too long from start to finish. I have a couple of those projects in a special box and have painted up this model now. Like the...

Back from the dead!

It's ALIVE !!!I've been in the wargaming hobby for quite a few years now and it was back in 2010 that I started this blog. I started mainly with Games Workshop models and articles but over the years my interest for other gaming systems grew. On my blog I wrote quite a...

Kill Team Again. HoR Rules

Played some good ol' fashion 40K kill team this weekend with the Heralds of Ruin rules. Played two games both against Eldar. I was running a Princeling with 16 Purestrains and two with strange mutations. The cult ambush rule was more of a punishment to me than it dit...

Crisis Antwerpen 2016

Ivan Lysanders Spectre tableI went to the Crisis Miniature wargaming show in Antwerp this weekend and had a really good time. It's always good to get inspired by other people's awesome tables and beuatiful models. I got some goodies again from Warlord Games, a lot of...