The Objective Marker: 40K Arms Race?

 Just a quick discussion today.On several pod casts and the inter-webs there are some 40K players/internet famous guys espousing 'the biggest arms in 40k"Personally, I would never make a claim like that myself.That being said the little hairs on my tiny forearms...

March Challenge Update: 6 Nurglings and a Nurgle Herald

Continuing to work on the One Hour a Night Painting Challenge for March I completed another 6 Nurgling bases and a Nurgle Herald.These came out a bit better than the first 3 Nurgling bases and I enjoyed getting these done. Work slowed me a bit, but got it done.That...

March 1 Hour A Night Painting Challenge: 3 Cyber Wolves

Posting my progress thus far in the March 1 Hour a Night painting challenge.I took some left over 3rd edition metal Chaos Hounds and re-painted them into 3 Space Wolves Cyber Wolves.Used metallic colors for the bone and highlighted with turquoise ink. Wanted a cold...