by BDS | Nov 25, 2014
Tournaments get a bad rap much of the time. It is human nature that people post the most on what negative things happened at a tournament. Concurrently anything bad that ever does happen at a tournament will generate a plethora...
by BDS | Nov 12, 2014
Here are a few WIP pics of my Iron Hawks Scout Land Speeder Storm.I still need to finish up the two crew and gun this evening, hopefully. This model will tote some scouts around in my 1850 Highlander List for the Nov. 22 local tournament I am planning to...
by BDS | Nov 10, 2014
Got some work done on the Inquisitor's ride. Still going for 3-color minimum for the 22nd Tournament.I will go back and complete some of the details some weathering.Also still trying to get decent pictures.Thanks for the read,BDS
by BDS | Nov 9, 2014
Missed a couple days due to work.Basically if I get stuck at work past 5:30 p.m. I call it a day. Wife and home come first at that point; besides the next day comes very early.Saturday Low Rep Day:Deadlifts : 315 x 5, 405 x 5, 455 x 1, 4" rack PullsOverhead Press: 135...
by BDS | Nov 8, 2014
A small update today.I finished up Thaddeus' Servo Skull.I am also working on getting better pics. I discovered the settings on my camera had changed and were set for darker than previous the last time I took pics regularly.Thanks for the read,BDS