by BDS | Nov 6, 2014
I just finished the first Soul Drinker’s Omnibus. In it was an Inquisitor named Thaddeus. Thaddeus was dispatched to hunt down the Soul Drinkers; namely Sarpedon and assassinate him for turning from the Imperium.Through the climax of the story line what Thaddeus comes...
by BDS | Nov 4, 2014
You know you have been out of the gym for a while when your friends tell you that showing up two days in a row is a current PR! (Personal Record).High Rep Upper Body.Current weight 280lbsBench 225 x 15,14Pull Ups 220lb x 15, 12Incline Dumb Bell Press 60's x 15,...
by BDS | Nov 3, 2014
Just a few pics of what I have gotten done on the Soul Drinkers.A five man Scout Squad and a Tactical squad.These guys need more work, but are table top 3 color ready.Thanks for the read,BDS
by BDS | Nov 3, 2014
So 2014 is almost over and I trained very little this year.I hit a peak around May...then some things happened. I will just own it and say..."I let myself go, ate everything in sight, and only worked in the gym on stuff that padded my ego."I could make a bunch of...
by BDS | Nov 1, 2014
I am stoked to finally get to play some games again; in fact my first 7th edition games.I am going to dive right into the deep end and play in a tournament being run locally at Flat Land Games.The tournament boasts a Highlander army list construction style that I...