Soul Drinkers Space Marines

Soul Drinkers Space Marines

So one of the things that run through my mind when I read any 40k novel is...."I should paint a squad of these guys"...well that and how do these guys (space marines) deal with no female companionship; maybe that is why they kill everything...Anyway, the thought of...
Question on Light

Question on Light

Had a question related to last post on my work space. I incorrectly typed the type of light I was referring to.It is actually called an OTT light. Here is a link. It is the best light I have found to paint to. It gives off very little heat and provides the best...
40K Work Space Nerd-gasm!

40K Work Space Nerd-gasm!

So, we have only begun to move in.....but of course I had to set up a work space in the ManCave ...Which will now be referred to as "The Hall of Happenings"This fall, I will begin finishing the basement for a proper ManCave with all accordingly awesome...
Long Time No See

Long Time No See

So, I have been neglecting my beloved blog for some time. I have been working on this:Buy a new construction home is quite an ordeal in many ways....I have also been pretty consumed with work and working through some tough family issues.I also discovered FACEBOOK and...