by BDS | Dec 1, 2013
Over the years I have tried almost everything to over come what I call 'Painting Inertia'. Even wrote a post about it, linked, a couple years ago.The article goes into good detail about how I feel about having so many unpainted models.This year alone not showing up...
by BDS | Nov 13, 2013
Here is a pic of what I have been working on. I have been going through my models and ended up with, well, a group of "unwanted toys" and thus....a Scout Army was born.First installment:Thanks for the read,BDS
by BDS | Oct 30, 2013
Codex Space Marines is gaining momentum. White Scars' populating the tournament table top is only slowed by the difficulty in painting white well. Eldar Wave Serpent spam is taking win after win.But quietly, Forge World may be doing an end around on "official" use in...
by BDS | Oct 13, 2013
Just a quick post.So how did my Power Lifting Meet go?It was a blast! I also have new found respect for these guys.There is a saying, "Your not a power lifter if you don't compete in a full power meet!"I understand this now. Starting at 7am and lifting one max after...
by BDS | Oct 9, 2013
My volume and frequency or minimal as I heal up and prepare for the meet on 10.12.13.Room is reserved and good to go. Looks like I will most likely not make the 275lb class.It appears my office scale is malfunctioning and I actually weigh closer to 280lb and I am not...