New Marine Codex: Rise of the White Scars + 1850 List

New Marine Codex: Rise of the White Scars + 1850 List

I am not going to do a Space Marine Codex review as there are already many good resources to be had, so why create more noise. I may contribute my two cents here and there and point out some hidden gems along the way.What I really want to talk about are the Rise of...

10.2.13 Training

Dead LiftsGot some good pulls in today. Body weight this morning at 276.5lb after breakfast. Looks like I can make 275lb class at Oct 12 meet without too much trouble.DL's135x5225x5225x5315x3365x1405x1455 x 3 x 6 sets315 x 3 x 2 high pulls225 x 3 x 2 higher pulls135 x...

2013 Training Note

I am starting to get a handle on work and will begin to post regularly again.I have been making it to the gym regularly, about 4 days per week on average. Body weight is floating around 275lbs.I have some new Personal Records (PR's) listed in right hand column.I am...
So…..there you are!

So…..there you are!

 So ...there you are" by ~D3vilusion on deviantARTI have not posted in some time. I have had some big changes in the work place.I am now the State Director for the same company I worked for, however they were purchased by a much larger very well...