by BDS | Oct 9, 2013
I am not going to do a Space Marine Codex review as there are already many good resources to be had, so why create more noise. I may contribute my two cents here and there and point out some hidden gems along the way.What I really want to talk about are the Rise of...
by BDS | Oct 2, 2013
Dead LiftsGot some good pulls in today. Body weight this morning at 276.5lb after breakfast. Looks like I can make 275lb class at Oct 12 meet without too much trouble.DL's135x5225x5225x5315x3365x1405x1455 x 3 x 6 sets315 x 3 x 2 high pulls225 x 3 x 2 higher pulls135 x...
by BDS | Oct 2, 2013
I am starting to get a handle on work and will begin to post regularly again.I have been making it to the gym regularly, about 4 days per week on average. Body weight is floating around 275lbs.I have some new Personal Records (PR's) listed in right hand column.I am...
by BDS | Aug 31, 2013
So ...there you are" by ~D3vilusion on deviantARTI have not posted in some time. I have had some big changes in the work place.I am now the State Director for the same company I worked for, however they were purchased by a much larger very well...
by BDS | Jun 30, 2013
It has been a while since I last posted. So, I thought I would start with a nasty combo that I was hording to myself.One of the things a list should be able to do is deal with death stars. Now we are seeing units like RipTides, WraithKnights, etc. that have good...