Pink Horrors and Gretchen: 1 Hour a Night 2016 Painting Contest Update

I completed some work on the 2016 1 Hour a Night painting challenge for MarchFinished 10 Pink Horrors and 6 Gretchen.This brings my Paint to Purchase ratio for 2016 to 33/0.I was worried the DeathWatch game would set be back...but 2015 Tax Bill solved that dilemma for...

One Hour a Night Painting Challenge Feb + Lifting Update

Feb Painting challenge crashed and burned and I did not complete the Salamander Land Speeder Storm for my Pathfinders.You can see the partially done model in the back ground of the pic.I will carry on!!!March 2016 I have declared the month of "The Clean Up" and the...

Light Box Practice + Weight Lifting Update

Still practicing with the home made light box. Changed the set up a bit to let more light in and that helped quite a bit.This a LSS for my Pathfinders, from the Desert Talon Tribe that I recently decided on the Tribal symbols for.I plan to finish up the 10 man squad...

Home made light box

Decided to spend some time working on getting better pictures of my mini's. Did an internet search on home made light boxes and you can see what I came up with.  Also took a few dozen pics to see how to get the best results, still not satisfied...but coming...