Training Update: Week 3 and 4 Completed

3.7.13 Dead LiftsWarm UpsDead Lifts: 425 x 8, 435 x6….took it easy on my back, just ended set soon as muscles began to feel fatiguedDead Lift Singles: 365 12 x1 (Single lifts, 15 seconds rest between each lift) *These are meant to work on technique, speed, and muscle...

WIP: Raven Wing Command Squad and some Dark Angel Lists

Here is what I am assembling today and priming tomorrow.I have been contemplating a few lists with DA. The first I ran last week and it was a RavenWing Blood Angel Combo...or Blood Wing. You can find it HERE.Next Up is another DA/BA combo. The Power Field Generator...

First Game with Legious Ultionis (New Dark Angels)

The Legios Ultionis, the Legion of Punishment, hit the table for the first time using the Dark Angel Codex last night.Here is the list I have been working on:AzraelMephistonDA Librarian: bike, power field generator, auspex, maceRavenwing assault squad #5, 2 melta,...

3rd Codex of 6th Edition: Deamons!

I have this in my grubs and have been processing.Time for some initial thoughts:1. Glad to see Screamers and Flamers toned down. I have included them in my army and played against them in their previous version...they needed a fix. For those that have bought 27 of...

Training Update 2.3.13 to 3.6.13

Time for an update on my training.Check out how I am doing after the jump....Not going to bother you with loads of commentary, just the facts. I ended up taking a week off due to the flu but did squeeze in a "Do Anything You Want Day." Which I will generally do to...