Training 1.26.13

Quite a bit of training entries lately, 40k content is on the way.Today was B-day celebration hosted by my lovely fiance'. Breakfast in bed, sleeping in, and dinner reservations at a great local steak house.My workout a bit rushed, starting and finishing in under 45...

Training 1.24.13 and Reader Email: How did you gain the weight?

Today's training and response to mentioned email.Body Weight 283lbs (That is with all my sweats on, phone, straps, and juice somehow I lost some weight).Warm Up and Warm Up sets (by the way once I get going I load the bar right to weight listed and I...

Training 1.22.13

I did not go into detail in my "New Stuff for 2013" post regarding how my training went for 2012, but I will shed a little lite here and some more as the year goes on.I would start this year with coming clean, in a way. I'm 47 years old this Superbowl weekend. Over...

New Stuff for 2013

I was going to post a 2012 retrospective and goals etc. for 2013, but I have decided to keep it short and sweet.Here are 2012 goals and how and did:45/40 Games Played 1/2 Completed Armies<16% Body Fat7/6 40k Tournaments (100% Painted) Dead Lift 500lbs (PR...

CSM: Slaanesh in the Ascendant. Slaanesh 2000 list with new FAQ

BY: Ars TerraWell, if you play Chaos Marines you need to read the new FAQ.In one stroke of the pen GW has made the what troops to take a much easier decision for most CSM players.Now that Slaanesh marines can take a cover denying S8 AP3 Blast Master for every 5...