Couple More Dark Angel Lists

I have been mulling over the codex and working through the different permutations.Couple other gems I found:Vehicle upgrade:storm bolter is only 5ptsDA Bolster Defenses will bolster any terrain piece, other than one bought with army list...I believe this is a change...

Reader Email: How About a competitive Chaos Marine List?

A quick post as I work in 2012 reflections and 2013 goals, I received this comment/email and thought I would throw out some suggestions and a couple lists:Ryan Kenyon has left a new comment on your post "6th Ed Chaos Marine Lists": Hey mate, I'm starting a...

AFK Autumn Annihilation Tournament Results Summary

Recently attended an 1850 Warhammer 40k tournament at AFK in Holt MI.So how was the tournament? ExcellentThe tournament was hosted by local 40k community leader Jeff C. Jeff runs a tight tournament. Judging is fair and consistent; even supplies you with the painting...

6th Edition Gaming Aid: Game Progression with Commentary

In a follow up to my last post regarding the importance, or lack thereof, of troop choices, I took the time to make another gaming aid I would share.I recently attended a tournament and found I am not the only player that consistently forgets to roll for night fight.I...